Do you love to cook? Want to learn how to cook? Want to learn healthy cooking?
Head over to Laura's site @ Heavenly Homemakers to enjoy some awesome recipes. I have tried her Tortillas, Chocolate chip cookies, Whole wheat waffles, Turkey sausage, Breakfast burritos, Taco seasoning mix and many more of her recipes. Her recipes have simple ingredients, but healthy ones.
Next week I plan on doing a freezer cooking day and will have some recipes from Heavenly Homemakers for you to enjoy.
Laura has written some great e-books on cooking with chicken, beef, cocoa and more. Her books include recipes and step by step directions on making your yummy treat. Just click on her button at the bottom on this page and check them out.
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Laura has great recipes. I usually go to her blog first whenever I'm trying to make something from scratch. I love her pancakes.