This Gratituesday is a special one, two days before Thanksgiving. I am thankful for many things and people in my life.
My daughter and I recently starting going to church on a regular basis and we LOVE it. I am grateful for my church friends.
I am grateful for all the food we have been blessed with. We are stocked and ready for winter.
In two days my family will all be at my home for Thanksgiving. We will enjoy some good food, fun times and just each other. I am grateful for my Family.
Like Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers says, I can't begin to write about all the things I'm grateful for. I'm grateful to my readers.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Give to those who need.
Visiting from GratiTuesday. G-d bless you with a wonderful day on Thursday. Please visit Gail-Friends soon.
Gail Griner Golden