Well, I was planning on doing a lot of cooking today but things didn't go as planned. That's o.k. though, I spent good quality time with my family.
My sister had to work and mom was volunteering to help a friend so I babysat my 3 year old niece. We took a little trip to see my great aunts. They live about 40 minutes down the road. We visited Ellen in the nursing home, she doesn't get many visitors besides her 82 year old sister Erma.
I love sitting with my great aunts and hearing their stories about growing up on the farm with their 12 brothers and sisters. Erma told me today she walked one mile to school. She had to cross over rivers and rocks, barefoot. When she would see the school house she would put her shoes on. She didn't want to ruin her shoes walking.
Oh how easy the kids have it now.
We went over to my aunts neighbors house and picked some pears off her tree. She told us to take all we wanted, she hates that tree. Free food??? Who could pass that up? Off we went with our buckets. 44 lbs. later we returned. Can you guess what I'll be doing next week?
Then back home to get my other 2 nieces and 1 nephew off the bus. They each grabbed a snack and off to do homework. Except for the kindergartner, Krista. Her and I went to the garden to pick green beans for dinner.
I really don't see how some people can plant rows and rows and rows of beans and pick them. They have to crawl or have no back bone left. It takes all I have to bend over them green bean bushes and pick 3 lbs. I know, I know, stop complaining. I am very thankful to our heavenly Father for blessing me with a bountiful garden.
Off to the kitchen to make dinner. We invited my mom and step dad over also. You know I
"love" cooking and I really
"love" to cook
BIG. We had
hot dog muffins, mashed potatoes,
green beans, garden fresh tomatoes and
canned peaches.
Oh, for dessert was pumpkin roll.