Stay-cations are when you vacation close to your home. This can save you time and money. Most states have beautiful parks, historical sites, beaches, museums or even your city pool.
To save on money we have decided this year to do a stay-cation. We are going to go to local places that we can take a road trip in one day. This will save us a lot on hotel fees. Pack your lunch and save even more.
We live in the heart of Central Virginia. There is so much historical places around here that we have never been to. So, we went to Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson. It was amazing. For only $22 a person, kids are cheaper, you get a 45 minute tour. Our tour guide, Megan, was awesome. She really knew her stuff on Thomas Jefferson. This old tree just spoke to me, not sure what it said though. I bet if it could talk it would have a lot of stories to tell.
After the house tour you are invited to take a garden tour. We took our own garden tour when we first arrived. I never knew you could grow artichokes in Virginia. Guess what's on my list for next years garden, artichokes.
Montpelier, home of James Madison, is our next destination.
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