Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Peach picking

Peach season is at it's prime now. My daughter, grandmother and I went to Carter's Mountain Sunday and picked 45lbs of peaches. This is a tradition for my daughter and I. When picking peaches you have to be careful not to get them to ripe, they will get smashed and not be any good. Picking the right peach is pretty easy. They need to be firm, but not hard. They should have a fragrant peach smell. A reddish flesh, for yellow peaches. I usually get the yellow ones, they are cheaper than the white peaches. White peaches are my favorite though. I make homemade peach preserves and "frozen peach delite". This is something my great aunts use to make for me when I was little and I loved them. I also use strawberries in the spring for "frozen strawberry delite". Here is the easy step by step directions on how to make "frozen peach delite"
Wash and peel 7lbs of peach
Slice them up into bite sizes
Add 1 cup of sugar
Add 1 cup of water
Cook for approx. 20 mins until they boil
Let cool for 30 mins then add to cups and freeze
I use butter cups, icing containers, etc. Anything plastic with a lid.
You can use these in smoothies or just eat as a frozen peach delite treat. They are very tasting and good for you, since there is very little sugar. I suggest you taste the mixture before freezing to make sure it is sweet enough for your taste. If not, add more sugar. Enjoy all summer and winter long.

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